The Three Steps to an Apology

My grand­mother is a won­der­ful woman. She never leaves the house with­out a least a lit­tle bit of pur­ple. Maybe a key­chain or a purse. Sometimes, she would­n’t leave the house with­out a lot of pur­ple, head to toe. She also never for­gets a smile and a good at­ti­tude.

She’s a wise woman. With more than 70 years and five chil­dren un­der her belt, she’s seen some stuff. All that ex­pe­ri­ence comes with a lot of ad­vice. The three steps to an apol­ogy are some of the best bits of ad­vice she’s ever given me.

Step One: I am sorry”

Admit you’ve done some­thing wrong. Recognize your fault and imag­ine what would have hap­pened if you had done the right thing.

Step Two: It will not hap­pen again”

If you’re ac­tu­ally sorry, you’ll want to avoid repli­cat­ing the same mis­take at a later date. Figure out what you need to do to make sure you this is a one-time er­ror.

Step Three: What can I do to make it bet­ter?”

Attempt re­pair. In a fan­tasy world, you could go back in time and stop your­self from do­ing what­ever it is you did in the first place. But we don’t live in a fan­tasy world, so you have to find a way to make it right, as soon as pos­si­ble.