Preface: This post is specifically about Pull Requests for Harper. Read the contributor guidelines for a project before opening a PR.
I get it. Opening a pull request is an intimidating proposition.
It is non-trivial to put your blood, sweat, and (let’s be honest) tears into code and put that onto the internet for the world to see. I remember my first pull-request: it wasn’t pretty either.
But I want to highlight a couple reasons why I want potential contributors to open their pull requests as early as possible.
When a contributor to a project is assessing the viability or usefulness of some work they’re preparing to do, most look at existing Pull Requests first. Even if you’re still working on the patch, it’s a great idea to open a “draft” PR so no one starts work that could go to waste.
Further, if you have a draft open whose CI is failing, a maintainer may see it and fix whatever the problem may be. I find myself frequently browsing Harper’s Pull Requests looking for failing builds, since I’m often the best equipped to find the issue.
I try to make myself available to contributors in case they have any questions regarding the architecture of Harper. I’m also game to help debug their code, partly because I am of the opinion that debugging is a skill which is best learned by example.
But it is hard for me to debug code if I don’t have it. If a draft PR has been opened, I can usually see the problem without even cloning the code, since our CI is so comprehensive.
So please don’t wait; open that PR. I am thrilled each time I see a name I don’t recognize on a GitHub notification.