Naming Harper

Someone re­cently asked me where the name Harper came from.

When I first sat down to start work on Harper, I had one goal in mind. I wanted to cre­ate a gram­mar checker that would­n’t im­pinge on the artis­tic free­dom of au­thors. Part of that meant that I did not want lit­er­ary de­vices to be flagged as gram­mat­i­cal er­rors. Harper should speed up the writ­ing process rather than slow it down as Grammarly tends to.

To em­body this orig­i­nal goal, I wanted to make the pro­ject a name­sake of an au­thor known for their lit­er­ary de­vices and prose. I also had three other (practical) cri­te­rion:

  1. It could not be oc­cu­pied on
  2. It could not be oc­cu­pied on GitHub.
  3. It should not be more than two syl­la­bles.

I asked around for some ideas and some­one sug­gested I name the pro­ject af­ter Harper Lee. It fit the bill, so I went with it.