Wordle is a relatively simple game. If you have ever played Mastermind, it should sound familiar. The goal is to figure out a mystery word with as few guesses as possible. The mystery word changes each day. Here are two example guesses.
After a guess, each letter’s color changes.
Green — The letter is correct. Yellow— The letter exists in the word, but not in that space. Gray — The letter does not exist in the word.
As you can see, there are a maximum of six guesses. If you cannot find the mystery word within six guesses, you lose. I have been competing with my grandmother each day to find the word in as few guesses as possible.
This totally nerd-sniped me. I felt an overwhelming urge to build an app that could, conceivably find the mystery word in as few guesses as possible.
First things first, we need a list of English words. I initially used the corncob list, but I found greater success with dwyl’s list.
For this project, I decided to use Rust, just because I felt most confident in my ability to make an MVP quickly.
Both the word lists I used are formatted as a sequence of individual words, separated by \n
characters. On Windows (which is what I am using), they also have pesky those little \r
Wordle is heavily focused on letters. I can remove items from the word list based on what letters I know aren’t in the mystery word (these are gray letters in-game), and I can remove items based what letters I know are in the mystery word (the orange or green letters), but in a lot of cases that still leaves a lot of possible words. I need to way to sort words based on how likely their letters are.
To do this, I count how frequently each letter appears in the word list, and give each word a score based on how frequently its components appear.
The first step in the program is to load the word list and count the letters:
// Store the total number of times a letter appears.
let mut letter_scores = HashMap::new();
// The final list of words. It will make like easier later in the program to store the words as Vec<char>.
let mut word_list = Vec::new();
let mut last_word = Vec::new();
let file = std::fs::read("corncob_lowercase.txt")?;
// Iterate through all the bytes in the wordlist file, ignoring all `\r` instances.
for letter in file {
let letter = letter as char;
match letter {
'\n' => {
last_word = Vec::new();
'\r' => (),
_ => {
let entry = letter_scores.entry(letter).or_default();
*entry += 1;
Using the default HashMap
(which uses SipHash
, which isn’t great for single-character lookup), probably isn’t the best, performance-wise, but this is just a toy program, and doesn’t need to be the fastest thing in the world.
Next, we need to go through the word list, and eliminate words that contain gray letters. Here is a function that helps do that:
fn matches_found(
word: &[char],
found: &[char],
not: &[char],
must: &[char],
masks: &[Vec<char>],
) -> bool {
// Check if the word contains a letter we know *isn't* in the mystery. <-- The gray letters.
for c in not {
if word.contains(c) {
return false;
// Check if the word contains the letters we don't know the positions of, but know they are in the mystery word.. <-- The orange letters.
let mut found_letters = 0;
for c in must {
if word.contains(c) {
found_letters += 1;
if found_letters < must.len() {
return false;
// Check if the word has letters we know exist in the word, but not at the right spots. <-- The orange letters.
for mask in masks {
for i in 0..min(word.len(), mask.len()) {
if word[i] == mask[i] {
return false;
// Check if the word contains the already found (green) letters.
for i in 0..min(word.len(), found.len()) {
if found[i] != ' ' && word[i] != found[i] {
return false;
It accepts a few different char slices:
Now all we have to do is run each word in the word list and see if it matches our already known characters, updating the contents of each slice with new information after each guess.
This sounds like a useless problem. It is. There is no way this will benefit anyone other than me, and I definitely won’t use this when I’m actually competing with my grandmother.
Then why did you do it?
Useless answers to useless problems are useful. They teach us how to improve, without the pressure of real stakes. They are also just plain fun.
It’s also a reflection. How would you have approached this problem in the past? How has your thinking improved. Maybe it’s a bit magnanimous to say this little Wordle solver is the key to self reflection, but I don’t think it’s that far off.
Hi! I am returning to this project months later with a few thoughts.
When I first wrote this article, I completely neglected to share my fitness test for each word. In hindsight, it’s a good thing I didn’t. It was the exact method 3Blue1Brown described as “naive” in his (fantastic) video on this very topic.
It's easier than you think.
Or: why doing things at the last minute actually saves time. I talk about the importance of shockingly fast iteration cycles and lean manufacturing.
It didn't work for me, and if you reading this, it probably won't work for you either.